The Royal Navy Digital and Data Plan 2022-2025
Our ambition is to engage and empower everyone across the naval enterprise: our service personnel, civil service, contracted workforce and delivery partners, in building a truly data driven organisation that unlocks the full potential of our data. This plan outlines how we will move closer to this vision over the next three years, by instilling a digital ethos and focusing on the delivery of a series of key enablers that enhance our operational effectiveness, add value, support strategic priorities and allow us to develop our cyber awareness.
This Digital and Data Plan is our response to both the MOD’s Digital Strategy for Defence and Data Strategy for Defence. It sets out the transformation activities that must be undertaken up until 2025 to ensure that the Royal Navy seizes the opportunity to enable a decade of delivery and realise our digital vision by 2030. We have established a Maritime Digital and Data Framework, that focuses on the specific needs of the maritime component of the Integrated Force and its shore-based support.
The framework sets out the Royal Navy’s vision and the delivery of eight specific outcomes necessary to realise the vision. It responds to the prevailing digital and technological trends and remains consistent with the intentions to deliver operational advantage through Multi Domain Integration and greater interchangeability. Critically, it also identifies the five enabling capabilities that must be developed to successfully achieve this change. We will not be able to deliver these outcomes or develop our digital and data capabilities by working alone.
Collective action and co-creation with our wider defence colleagues, PAG, academia, industry and our allies will be vitally important. We will need to continue to adopt agile practices to make best use of finite resources and embrace a system of systems philosophy if we are to deliver, at pace, the required operational, availability and cost benefits that we seek. As a foundational guide to action, this plan explains key concepts and provides a framework to drive change. It will shape our behaviours and our relationships inside and outside the organisation, and we strongly commend it to you and your teams.
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