Ukraine, Israel, submarines: What’s in Biden’s $105 billion supplemental request?
The White House officially submitted a supplemental budget request of $105 billion to Congress, with a significant focus on military investments in Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific.
Key allocations include:
Providing $4 billion to Israel until September 2027 for the acquisition of additional air defense systems like Iron Dome and David's Sling, with funding details needing clarification.
Allocating $30.6 billion for Ukraine-related Operations and Maintenance, allowing the Secretary of Defense flexibility, including expansion of production facilities and procurement of equipment for critical munitions.
Setting aside $2.5 billion for ammunition procurement in Europe.
Allocating roughly $144 million for nuclear nonproliferation efforts in Ukraine, focusing on incident readiness, equipment support, and preventing illicit nuclear material smuggling.
Allocating about $798 million for Air Force operations and maintenance, covering personnel, operational support, and unit expenses until fiscal year 2024.
Allocating over $361 million for Air Force research and development, primarily for cybersecurity and defense support in the European theater of operations until September 2025.
Providing over $2.6 billion for classified Air Force programs under "other procurement" until September 2026.
Allocating $10 billion for humanitarian aid in Israel, Gaza, Ukraine, and other global areas.