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The growing interest in 1.5 μm

Over recent years there has been a growing interest for eye-safe laser sources emitting at ~1.5 μm. Typically, such emission is provided by lasers based on erbium (Er3+) ions and operating on the ⁴I13/2 → ⁴I15/2 transition. This radiation is strongly absorbed by the eye’s cornea and lens and thus it cannot reach the sensitive retina which opens a new field for eye-safe applications. Erbium lasers are widely used in such applications as free-space optical communication, remote sensing (LIDAR technology), wind sensing, and range-finding for civil and defense fields. While requirements for new generation industrial grade resonators operating at low pulse frequencies include high pulse energy and peak power, they also depend on good beam quality and low divergence, as well as a compact and robust design, preferentially with passive cooling of a laser head.

Altechna‘s solution for highest energies

The development of new-generation optical components that are capable of managing today’s challenges is a complex task. It involves more than one discipline starting from material science and ending with engineering. Altechna engineers identified several technological bottlenecks of high power Er3+ based solid-state resonators and generated roadblocks to the solution. In particular, these systems require high-quality Co2+:MgAl2O4 crystals capable of handling >50 J/cm2 peak fluency coupled with superb optical and thermal properties. High-quality optical components based on recent technological breakthrough are going into production. Altechna expects that achieved power levels will allow our customers to reconsider resonator geometries and get new solutions for applications such as remote sensing and range-finding for the civil and defense fields.




  • ISO 9001
  • Components
  • Subassemblies
  • Nanotechnology
  • Advanced Materials
  • Optical Systems
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