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Quantum Technology: Uses and challenges in defence

Hosted by Defence Engage, with University of Bristol Quantum Technologies Innovation Centre, we will be joined by Rolls-Royce and KETS Quantum for a fireside chat style discussion on Quantum Engineering and Technologies for defence and security.

With talks from leading experts from industry this webinar will explore the potential use cases, engineering and scientific challenges for quantum computing and quantum communications in aerospace, defence, space and security applications.

Deadline to register: 1700 Friday 20th October - to allow the team time to verify your details and provide you with access. Registrations past this time does not guarantee access.

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Defence Engage Webinar Quantum

Sign up by 1700 Friday 20th October

Registrations past this time does not guarantee access.

Meet the Panel

Dr Leigh Lapworth

Dr Leigh Lapworth Rolls-Royce

Rolls Royce PLC

Quantum Computing for Computational Fluid Dynamics

Leigh is a Rolls-Royce Fellow specialising in Computational Science and Quantum Computing. He led the development of the Rolls-Royce corporate CFD solver and has over 30 years' experience of developing and applying physics-based simulation using High Performance Computers. He is also the principal business investigator for the 5-year EPSRC Prosperity Partnership in “Computational Science for Advanced Simulation and Modelling of Virtual Systems” launched in 2018.

Leigh leads the Quantum Computing programme at Rolls-Royce which is largely focussed on fault-tolerant algorithms for physics-based simulations.

His previous roles include Head of Computational Science and Chief Design Systems Architect. He is a Chartered Mathematician and Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, a former Royal Society Industry Fellow, and an Honorary Professorial Fellow in Computer Science at The University of Warwick

Dr Jake Kennard

Dr Jake Kennard KETS

KETS Quantum Security Ltd

Securing your information with Quantum Communication

Jake is co-founder and Technical Director at KETS Quantum Security, with a PhD in Quantum Physics.  Jake has 10 years of applied integrated quantum optics and industrial research experience. He is passionate about taking KETS' technology to market and has quickly developed a multi-award winning technology platform. A former post-doctoral researcher at the University of Bristol's Quantum Engineering Technology Labs, he is an expert in integrated quantum photonics and communications and a key contributor to the UK's Quantum Communications Hub.

Mustafa Rampuri

Mustafa Rampuri University of Bristol

University of Bristol

Director of the Quantum Technologies Innovation Centre

Mustafa Rampuri is Director of Enterprise Services in Bristol Innovations, and has responsibility for leading the Engine Shed, SETSquared Bristol Incubator, the Quantum Technologies Innovation Centre and is CEO of the Science Research Foundation Ltd a wholly owned subsidiary of the University of Bristol. He has been core to the establishment of Bristol Digital Futures Institute, the National Composites Centre and has worked in quantum technologies for more than a decade. Prior to joining the University of Bristol he worked in a number of technical and business facing roles in BAE SYSTEMS.