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Why join Defence Engage

Connecting you to relevant suppliers. A dynamic network showcasing companies and their solutions with a vast range of capabilities, readiness levels, available across the UK and internationally.

With a Defence Engage Buyer Account, you can:

  • Search the network based on your interests and current project requirements
  • Allow the platform's 17 algorithms to learn your behaviour and set criteria to proactively recommend relevant solutions directly to you, and
  • Submit live Challenges to the ever-growing network for applications based on the specifications you provide

Our aim is to connect you with solutions you and your organisation needs, more effectively. Putting solutions to you that you might not have existed, expanding your own supplier network.

Submit an enquiry today for more information.

NOTE: Our Customer Service Team may get in touch with you to discuss your objectives of seeking new suppliers and how we can tailor your Defence Engage experience to assist that.

Defence Engage Universe

Primes and large contractors already on board include

Defence Engage Buyers and Primes

Enquire today