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Why join Defence Engage

This isn't another static catalogue, waiting for you to scroll endlessly, leaving you unmotivated to explore what's new.

Defence Engage is proactive, scoring the member-only network to discover the perfect matches between SME/Supplier capabilities, and Buyer/Prime requirements.

Redeem a complimentary Company Profile

discover innovation



  • Access a network of international suppliers, procurement and supply chain professionals
  • Search depending on your current company or department interests
  • Make connections year-round


Lead Gen

  • Industry Challenges submitted by buyers seeking new opportunities
  • Team Leads management dashboard and enquiry alerts for suppliers
  • Company capabilities proactively recommended to relevant buyers



  • Verified members only, with all companies and people security checked
  • Products/services and content comply with relevant laws and sanctions
  • Secure login access to the network



  • Profiles available to all relevant SMEs and start-ups
  • Diverse network of multi-sector and domains served
  • Defence and non-traditional defence suppliers

Ultimately, Defence Engage streamlines your efforts in seeking the right people in the right places

Making connections that matter